About us
Founded in 1994, is an import, export and wholesale commercial company within the radio communication sector. Also dedicated to the provision of advisory services, support, service and reparations at national and international level.
Company in constant expansion and growth, our success basically lies in:
- Building loyalty and extension of good friends’-customers’ distribution network, both for the Spanish market, the European Community and Eastern Europe Countries.
- Specialized sale of HAM and Professional equipment and accessories, electrics supply, and a professional line of cell phone system, like indoors mobile cell phone signal amplifying device system, and likewise, a wide range of household cell phone products.
- Product distribution, both for professional, civil and HAM radio; and air and marine bands.
- Diversification as a result of dividing our clients into different segment markets like: professional Radio communications, HAM radio, spare parts and car accessories, industrial vehicles, security, mobile cell phone distributors and installers, Senior market – grown up people, Camping-caravanning, Nautical segment, etc.
- Consulting in industrial design communications accessories equipment manufacturers worldwide, working with consultants and integrators of telecommunications solutions.
- Advice and information on approvals processes and CE equipment certifications and RoHS compliance standards.
- Consulting of installation projects of radio repeaters.
- Worldwide after-sales technical service assistance.

We want to stay as one of the main importers, exporters and wholesalers; a reference and leaders in placing on the market specialized equipment and radio communication accessories in Spanish and European market. From the start, our leit motiv has always been to provide our customers with the best quality and service, and now we offer the same, but with a renew air of modernization and moving along the present times.
We are aware that our clients are our principal assets. And precisely for and only for them, we have a strong sense of service based on the fulfillment of our compromises and their expectations.
Continuous Improvement
Our future continuity and success depends on offering the last market news, on our anticipation of demand and on maintaining the optimal quality standards.
Work in cooperation with our colleagues, customers and suppliers provides us with high valued information and knowledge and makes possible to offer a quality service and continuous improvement.
Ètica professional
Creiem en les relacions a llarg termini, i això només és possible mantenint la nostra conducta amb absoluta integritat, complint normatives i marcs legals, respectant tots els actors del nostre mercat.
Business Ethics
We believe in long-term relationship, and that is only possible keeping our conduct with absolute honesty, by accomplishing the regulations and legal framework, and respecting all the actors who take part of our market.
Adaptation to change
Nowadays we live in a new kind of society, in which processes, are being updated and modified systems, knowledge and business elements to adapt ourselves to a new era, based on every day social, economic and business reality and technology.
Radio communication equipment and accessories: Mobile and base transceivers and walkie talkies, micro-earphones, speaker-microphones, replacement batteries, any use and frequency antennas, mounts, coaxial cable, connectors and adaptors, cases, signal meters, duplexers and power linear meters.
Electrics supply equipment: power supplies, voltage reducers and voltage inverters.
Cell phone system: Mobile cell phone signal amplifiers, mobile cell phone antennas, fixed-mobile cell phone, household cell phone system, as desk-top, and DECT, and Senior group especially designed for grown-up people.